4 Hidden Places You are Losing Leads on Your Facebook Page

My family and I just got back from a great trip to London. I was there for a speaking engagement and brought the family along for a summer holiday. While there, we visited the Warner Bros. set of Harry Potter. It was fun to see the set and “unlock the Chamber of Secrets.”

There were many hiding places in plain view from the movies, places where treasures and riches could be found if only opened …

The thing of make believe and fairy tales?

What if I told you the same is true of your Facebook Page? There are four places right now that you could use to get more leads from your page. It is true, although almost every business is missing leads right now because they haven’t unlocked these treasures.

Here’s the key …

The four places you are losing leads on your Facebook Page right now if you aren’t using them are:

1. Your cover photo

The image at the top of your Facebook page is a prime place to gather leads. You can create something to look like a button on the image encouraging visitors to click through. When a visitor clicks on your cover photo, up will come the description of it and in that description you can put a link to your opt-in location.

2. The call-to-action button

In an unusually generous offering, Facebook encourages businesses to send traffic to a website or a phone call directly from their Facebook page. Yet, I find most businesses using Facebook don’t use this feature.

In stats shared by Facebook, I know that in the last week alone, 34 people visited my free training opt-in page right from this button.

3. Your “About” section

This spot is where you put the short description of your business. What Facebook doesn’t advertise is that if you put a URL in there, it becomes a clickable link. This is another place to insert your opt-in offer.

4. The story of your page

This is another spot that doesn’t advertise it, but if you put a link in, it becomes a clickable link. Utilize this space to get even more people to opt-in to your page.

Article written by: Kim Walsh Phillips