Category BrandFIT Inc.

How To Boost Blog Post Shares Using Pinterest

Establish your sharing routine, learn the best times to pin, and be consistent with the quality of your posts. Pinterest, along with Facebook and Twitter, can be very useful to promote a blog. Pinterest enables users to share images or “pins” in particular boards, which represent individual interests such as food, photography, prepping, and fashion. With each pin being 100 times more shareable than a regular Twitter update, it should

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Radio Hosts Reprimanded after airing Stokes’ ‘brassed off’ Mum

A couple of Kiwi radio presenters have been suspended for airing a phone call from Ben Stokes’ mum after assuring her she wasn’t on air. Radio Hauraki hosts, Jeremy Wells and Matt Heath aired the phone call with Deborah Stokes after she rang up to complain about the harsh criticism her son received following the T20 final last weekend. Stokes was hit for four consecutive sixes as the West Indies scored

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Consumers Trust Non-Celeb Influencers More

Influencer marketing is on the rise but some approaches are more effective than others, according to a new survey of 14,000 U.S. adults conducted by Collective Bias earlier this month, which found that a sizeable segment of respondents were more likely to heed recommendations from non-celebrity influencers than celebrities. Overall 30% of U.S. adults were more likely to purchase a product endorsed by a non-celebrity blogger than a celebrity influencer,

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Planning Social Media for Big Events

Planning your day-to-day social media strategy is a task that probably comes quite naturally for most at this stage of the game. However, from time to time, you might find your business planning for a special event, such as a new product launch or anniversary celebration. Along with all of the other details involved in planning such events, you’ll want to make sure your specific social media strategy for the

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Play ball: Nats deploy Software, Social Media to Boost Game Experience

It’s not hard to figure out which team baseball fans are rooting for when they show up at the ballpark. The harder nut to crack is what they’re thinking of their game experience. The Washington Nationals are using data analytics software and social media tools in new ways to get inside their heads. It’s all in the name of improving the fan experience at Nationals Park, which opens the 2016

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How Video, Social are Leading with Influence

Finding influencers has always been important for brands. The Internet has made it both harder and simpler to find influencers – for those brands that are nimble enough to follow trends. On expert explains how social and video content are leading the influencer charge. Influencer marketing is becoming a huge strategy point for brands because of consumers’ growing disinterest in ‘traditional’ ads and content. Today’s consumers want to read and

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British Doctor denies report that he doped 150 Sports Stars

A British doctor accused of doping 150 elite athletes is denying the allegations against him, claiming they are “false and very misleading.” Mark Bonar was the subject of an investigation by The Sunday Times, which reported that he provided sports stars with banned performance-enhancing drugs. Among his purported clients are Premier League football players, boxers, Tour de France cyclists, tennis players, bodybuilders and cricketers, the newspaper said. Bonar responded to

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4 Things To Think About For Your Website’s Social Sharing Buttons

Are there more pressing aspects of your social media strategy than share buttons? Certainly – but you can’t afford to ignore them. For many marketers, elements like these are the difference between success and irrelevance. When it comes to your social media strategy, social sharing buttons on your blog, website, and email signature probably come as an afterthought. However, it’s important that you place more value on these all-important features.

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The 5 Types of Digital Influencers You need to Know

In a recent WSJ article, Donna Lagani SVP and CRO of Cosmopolitan (part of Hearst) relates how every CMO is concerned with influencer marketing and creating content alongside social and digital influencers. With rising rates of ad blocking, rising rates of social media app use, and declining rates of TV viewership, brands, and marketers of all industries are realizing just how critical digital influencers are to an effective, comprehensive, and multi-platform

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Critics? What do they know? Stealth marketing, secrecy help even a bad movie succeed

The critics have spoken — and been ignored. Last weekend, as reviews for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice started to come in, it was clear it was bad. Maybe not Green Lantern bad, or Daredevil (the movie) bad or Fantastic Four (the remake) bad, or Elektra bad. Or Catwoman bad. (My, but there have been a lot of bad superhero movies!) But bad. Mind you, those other five films

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