Global Health Center event aims to improve healthy eating

The Global Center for Health Innovation held its first “Voices,” event series, aimed at bringing together the voices of present and future innovators in healthcare, business and technology.

“‘Voices’ is programming designed to start conversations and spark fresh ideas from the intellect and inspiration of global leaders,” said Fred DeGrandis, managing director and chief administrative officer for the Global Center for Health Innovation. “When we collectively come together: our business leaders, entrepreneurs, government leaders and community, we begin to think differently and develop solutions that advance the future of healthcare to positively impact our lives.”

The first “Voices” event brought together three leaders focused on health and wellness, a topic traditionally top-of-mind at the start of a new year. These leaders included:  Dr. Mark Hyman, nine-time #1 New York Times bestselling author and director of Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine; Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, who is the author of the book, The Real Food Revolution and Calgary, Alberta based CEO Margot Micallef, Q.C., founder of Gabriella’s Kitchen and maker of skinnypasta™, a gluten-free, high protein pasta made from TEFF, an Ethiopian grain and super-food.

The program, “Innovations in Health & Wellness: The Food Revolution,” allowed the speakers to share insights, stories and teachings to help more than 125 attendees discover the deeper meaning of healthy eating and living by the principles of functional medicine, a new model that treats the body as a whole organism to prevent and manage chronic disease, the impact of natural and gluten-free trends and the healing power of food.

“90 percent of chronic disease is caused by poor food choices,” Micallef said. She said her brand is more than a business, it’s a mission.

Dr. Mark Hyman encouraged guests to eat real food, “Try eating food that doesn’t come in a box or have a label for ten days and see how you feel,” he said.

Rep. Ryan talked about the difficulty in getting new food legislation passed in Congress, but says the public has the power to demand healthier food and which may eventually switch subsidies to locally sourced food suppliers.

The event also featured a cooking demonstration by Levy Restaurants executive chef Matt Del Regno.  He showed attendees how to make the skinnypasta meal that was served at lunch.

Channel 3 Senior Health Correspondent Monica Robins emceed the event.

The Center will also be hosting an evening speaker series called “Exchanges.”  The next “Exchanges” event will take place on Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. with Dr. Brandy Schillace.  The event is put on by the Global Center for Health Innovation and the Case Western Reserve Dittrick Medical History Center and Museum.

The event is free and open to the public.

Article Written By: Monica Robins