Category BrandFIT Inc.

BrandFIT Inc.: What we Do

What do we do? Our mission is to bring the human element back into online marketing. Our advertising platform offers companies a way to connect with social media influencers in order to effectively share their brand’s story and create organic buzz. Ever heard of Influencer Marketing? It’s becoming very big within the industry of marketing. (Read this article that states that Marketers are now embracing influencer marketing, since it is

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How Influencer Marketing Will Change In 2015

Influencer Marketing 101 Influencer marketing can be loosely defined as a form of marketing that identifies and targets individuals who have influence over potential buyers. Influence isn’t just characterized by having a lot of followers. It’s also driven by expertise on subject matter and the relationship between the influencer and his or her followers. In the past, brands may have focused on popular bloggers and celebrities, but today there is

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