What Type Of Instagram Engagement You Should Prioritize

The most important kinds of engagement, according to Instagram, are comments and shares. They are reported to carry more weight in the eyes of the Instagram algorithm than other forms of engagement. It makes sense when you think about it. Liking a post takes a millisecond, but commenting on a post requires some thought. Sharing of a post means you echoed with the post so much that you want your followers

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How To Increase Your Engagement On Twitter

When you put time into creating social content, you want to see engagement, right? If you’re a passionate brand or business marketer testing and tracking your Twitter marketing tactics, your answer should be yes. There are a handful of social platforms you can post your content to in order to get that engagement. In this article, we’ll go over the best time to post on Twitter and why posting at

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7 Ways Millennials Are Changing Traditional Leadership

The “immature” millennials actually want to be in charge. According to a survey conducted by Virtuali and Work Place Trends, 91% of respondents expressed a desire to lead. Nearly 50% of them also said that they believed leadership is the empowerment of others. From the same survey more than half indicated they believed they had strong leadership skills in the areas of communication and relationship building. However, many also indicated

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Artificial Intelligence: The Holy Grail of Digital Marketing

The digital advancements made in the past few years have been nothing short of phenomenal — more so the path-breaking advancements in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) AI offers exceptional opportunities particularly in digital marketing while irrefutably revolutionizing and propelling the industry. AI is the ability of a computer or computer-enabled robotic systems to process massive amounts of in-depth data and produce outcomes similar to the thought processes of

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Why management skills in a digital world are becoming more relevant, not less

If there is one mantra which seems consistent across the literature and experience of running a company in the new economy (and as companies make more effort to digitise themselves) it’s that technology is just the enabler. People and culture are still the keys to success. What’s intriguing though is that while you’ll read that a business must now have flatter structures and less reliance on command and control type

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Content Marketing Tips

B2B content marketing has become the white bread of content marketing. It’s on every B2B marketer’s menu and unfortunately a lot of it is as exciting as white bread. It lacks texture, and flavor and gusto. Beyond that, it’s often missing a solid foundation. Simply content without a strategy it isn’t a solid part of B2B marketing strategies. And yet…done right it works. According to Content Marketing Institute, content marketing

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Revamp Your Brand With This Marketing Strategy

You can use these three tactics to revitalize your brand’s relevancy through experiential marketing. Your brand is your company’s identity, and it’s built upon perceptions. Through visual representation, storytelling and statements of purpose, you elevate your brand to something more than a product or service. But when a brand starts to stagnate, bold stakeholders and partners need to reinvigorate the values that inspired the business in the first place —

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Watch Out for These 4 Warning Signs on the Road to Success

You have to be confident to start a business. Depending on the study, between 75 and 90 percent of startups fail. To be an entrepreneur, you have to believe that your business, that you can beat those odds. If you are confident enough to start a business, then you are smart enough to know you mustn’t be overconfident. Confidence gives you gumption, but overconfidence can make you blind. Every day

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The Future of Marketing: Predicting Consumer Behavior with AI

Understanding what consumers want and need — ideally, before they even do — is an ongoing imperative for marketers. Artificial intelligence (AI) could make that job much easier, especially with the emergence of deep learning. A subset of AI, deep learning has the potential to transform the future of marketing by helping businesses to predict consumer behavior. It’s a machine learning method that uses layered or “deep” neural networks, similar

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Google Stadia

Yesterday, Google made its grand entrance into the world of game streaming. The search giant announced Stadia at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, showing off a bold vision for a gaming future where anyone could play any game on any screen, with all the hard processing work done at an off-site data center. It’s not the first streaming service that’s been meant to disrupt the industry, but it

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