Why Social Media Marketing Is So Effective For Brands?

Life without smartphones is just not possible. Instant messaging has replaced handwritten letters, phone calls and SMS for that matter. Meeting and connecting with people majorly refers to connecting over social media platforms.

As the mode of communication evolves, businesses have also modified their efforts in reaching out to their customers. Thanks to the possibility of target ads, social media platforms have become the go-to-place for businesses. So if you are investing in social media marketing or thinking to do so, you couldn’t be at a more right time for it.

A Look at How Important Social Media Is to Your Business

If you want some facts and figures to substantiate all the buzz around how important social media marketing is to any marketing strategy, here are few of the latest statistics:

  • There are more than 1.7 billion active Facebook users around the globe!
  • Instagram (owned by Facebook) boasts half a billion users.
  • Twitter acknowledges one-third of a billion – well, 317 million.
  • WeChat has 806 million users.
 The list will go on and on as numerous social sites have millions and millions of active users.

Reaching Out To The Social Media Market

So, how do you reach out to a social media market? Obviously, you can’t just start a Facebook page, for example, and expect to have thousands of people following your page. Or may be you can!

It’s all about identifying your target audience and getting them to like your page. Mostly on Facebook, you can create your page and invite your existing connections to like your page. Your page content, images, video, and details play a pivotal role in getting all your invitees to like your page and follow your posts. A social media marketing agency can help you build your page. They have the requisite tools and are aware of the necessary practices that will bring in more visitors to your page. Only a renowned agency can help you identify your target audience accurately, and redirect all your ads and contents. You can also engage in one-to-one conversation with your target group and know what they are looking for.

Why Social Media Works

Based on the numbers mentioned earlier, it is true that social media works. But why? To say that we are social creatures isn’t enough because social media goes beyond the normal social relationship. Typically, you tend to interact with people you know personally when it comes to face to face conversations. Some conversations are long, some are short, and some are way too formal. It all depends on the kind of rapport you share with that person.

Interaction on social media platforms is different. We spend a majority of our time in messaging, sharing updates and liking and commenting on others’ updates. This is probably because it is easier to engage and disengage as the mood strikes. You have the liberty to speak with so many people at the very same time on so many different topics. Again, you can simply choose to avoid replying to someone’s messages.

Try doing that with a group of your friends during a face-to-face conversation! Everyone wants to speak, and ultimately no one hears what the other person is saying! Or, probably one person speaks while others await their turns!! With social media, you can simply move back and forth between one message and the next without any rude interruptions. With social media, you can simply move back and forth between one message and the next without any rude interruptions.

To sum it up, the numbers show that most people prefer social media over face-to-face chats! People comfortably spend hours on social sites. So if you want to be exactly where your target audience is, then social media sites is where you ought to be. All you need to do is identify which platform your target audience uses most frequently.

Article Written by Aarzu Khan of DazeInfo