Category BrandFIT Inc.

Why Authentic Content Marketing Matters Now More Than Ever

As we all write about the best tactics to get our content discovered or the best practices for SEO and branding, there’s one valuable component that’s left out of the conversation. I’d argue that authentic content marketing, above all, is the most effective way to market to millennials, younger audiences, and prospective customers not immediately interested in your products or services. According to one survey, 84 percent of millennials stated that they don’t

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This Is How You Get New Customers to Trust You Right Away

Learn how to use the five types of social proof marketing. I’m sorry to tell you this, but most people do not trust you. It has nothing to do with you as a person, or your business, values or past. The fact is, we live in a world where we wake up every single day, bombarded with messages, ideas, “opportunities,” and people trying to capture our attention. There’s too much white noise,

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Don’t Go There Without a Map: 2018 Content Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Social Media Week is a leading news platform and worldwide conference that curates and shares the best ideas and insights into social media and technology’s impact on business, society, and culture. We’ve all heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Despite this insight, many B2B marketers have sallied forth into 2018 with a content marketing strategy that looks

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5 Essential Media Buys for First-Time Marketers

To start finding new customers, quickly center your first media campaign on these must-haves. Getting the word out about your startup business is always a challenge. But at least there are a handful of techniques you can focus on to jump-start your early marketing efforts, all of which are available on a cost-effective basis. 1. Utilizing paid search. Paid search is an obvious choice. When people are searching for your products or

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What Startup Entrepreneurs Need to Know About the Influencer Marketing Landscape

It could be the key to taking your business from humble startup to household name. Last year, according to a study by Marketing Hub, the term “influencer marketing” showed a 325 percent increase in searches per month, and more than 200 new platforms and influencer marketing-focused agencies joined the market. In the first quarter of 2017, influencer marketing was responsible for 28 percent of online customer-acquisition, and 67 percent of businesses said

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How to Use Storytelling to Sell Your Brand and Vision

People remember how you make them feel, not the information you give them. The reason why the Bible is the bestselling book every year is because it delivers its lessons as a series of stories. And if you don’t want to use the Bible as an example, pick any other world religion that has attracted millions of followers and has kept growing for centuries. They all deliver their lessons through stories. People

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Hyperlocal SEO: How to Optimize for Micro-Moments

As rapid as changes have occurred in Google’s algorithms in recent years, the biggest changes to SEO have been user intent. Twenty years ago, when Google was no more than a promising search startup, search was a useful tool to navigate an unwieldy web. Today it is more than that. Search is an artifice we turn to hundreds of times a day to ask things like: How many tablespoons in a cup? What

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The 4 Elements of a Strong Social Media Strategy

Allocating dollars to social advertising is a great idea – even amid rising competition, the cost per result for social advertising campaigns is by far the best, in comparison to other forms of digital advertising. The key, of course, is to have a strong strategy, which requires a little more thinking, a little more forward planning before jumping in. In this post, I’ll outline the four must-have elements of a strong

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The Key to Influencing an Overwhelmed Generation of Consumers

These consumers spend an estimated 18 hours per day surrounded by content channels, which explains why 45 percent of Millennials say they aren’t interested or compelled by traditional content marketing. The average Millennial consumer is so overwhelmed and inundated with marketing messages on a daily basis that it’s hard to penetrate their thick skin and actually engage in meaningful ways. These consumers spend an estimated 18 hours per day surrounded by content

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How to Tell Stories the Media Won’t Ignore

Good press is born of drama and conflict, struggle and victory. When you conceive your publicity pitch, make it epic. The important thing to know about journalists is that they are professional storytellers. This means the better you are at storytelling, and in particular, knowing how to focus on the parts that they find interesting, the more likely you are to get regular media coverage. The good news is you don’t

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