Category BrandFIT Inc.

How To Connect With Millennials Using Content Marketing

Millennials are a major market segment for brands around the world. With more than $600 billion in buying power in the United States alone, individuals born between 1982 and 2004 have become major players in the global economy. As a marketer, it can be challenging to reach millennials. They watch less traditional TV than the previous generation, and avoid advertisements like the plague. So if you can’t pay to put your brand

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What’s your favourite social media platform for marketing?

As marketers, it is important to know upcoming social platforms. Just a few weeks ago, we reported on why CMOs should be in charge of the CEOs social media personal. When it comes to being social media savvy in the organisation, many in an organisation look towards their marketing teams to be ahead in the game. But what do marketers really prefer? Well according to a recent Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing

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How To Use Social Media To Increase The Value Of A Customer Relationship

It takes around five times more money to find a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. And using social media to do this can often be easier than you think. The ease of use and the low cost involved in a number of social media actions means that you can put together a programme that allows you to keep in touch with existing customers, reward them,

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The 7 Signs of Truly Effective Content

The sheer amount of online content is staggering—and there’s more of it every second. Companies in all industries now regularly post blogs, prepare e-books, and build out their own website content—and the effect is something of a content overload. It’s more difficult than ever for your content to stand out. Difficult, but not impossible. See, there’s a wide gap between good and mediocre content—and if you know the hallmarks of the good stuff, you

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Mastering Millennial Marketing With User-Generated Content

When it comes to Millennials, brands have a trust problem. They are the largest generation of consumers, but they’re also the least engaged with brands. Tech-savvy Millennials aren’t fooled by stock image advertisements or product posts on brands’ Facebook Pages. In fact, only 1% of Millennials say a compelling ad would make them trust a brand more. To reach this diverse group of digital natives, brands need to tap into the content they

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10 Truths About Content Marketing You Need To Know

It was one of those days. My computer had stopped working. Do I call the manufacturer and get them to step me through the trouble shooting process for that fix? I decided that maybe best to just turn it off and on first. Three minutes later the frozen screen is replaced by a working laptop. Problem fixed. Then I tried to login to the internet. I was met with that

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There’s no ignoring social media in 2017 – it’s how we find, research and interact with businesses. And, social media isn’t going anywhere. If anything, its usage is only growing. I’m sure you know you need a social media strategy, but where are you supposed to get started? Well, this blog post has you covered – here’s a step-by-step breakdown for building a social media strategy. 1. FIND THE RIGHT SOCIAL PLATFORM(S)

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Shift In Consumer Trust: Influencer Videos Drive Purchases, Study Finds

Some 90% of social media users are influenced to make a purchase after seeing a relevant video, with 33% of those participating in the survey admitting that social media influencers are their most trusted sources for shopping. In fact, social media influencers now are trusted nearly seven times more than celebrities, according to data released Thursday. “There’s a trust factor being built in social media and in videos from influencers,”

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Five Commandments Of Social Media Marketing

Social media consultant, Zoe Cairns, shares five best practices that brands should follow to make the most of their social media strategy. Crafting an efficient social media strategy is one of the biggest challenges for new-age marketers and brand managers. Zoe Cairns gives five tips to help marketers understand how to stand out in the crowded social media world and reach out to the consumers: 1) Build trust According to

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50 Statistics on the Latest Marketing Trends and Strategies for 2017

As marketers, we all want to know the numbers. What is working, which strategies are driving conversions, and where can I get the most bang for my buck? Below is a list of 50 incredible marketing statistics that every marketer should know and live by in 2017. Email Marketing 1. You are 6x more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet. (Source:

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