Category BrandFIT Inc.

Facebook Remains the Dominant Social Platform [Infographic]

News of Facebook’s death have been greatly exaggerated. In the United States in particular, 2015 and 2016 were stellar years for the world’s biggest social network in terms of user growth and engagement, with 8.6 million Baby Boomers joining between July 2015 and December 2016. Among all age groups in the United States, the number of users grew by 18 million over those eighteen months – and globally, Facebook grows

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Millennial ‘influencers’ who are the new stars of web advertising

Beauty vloggers and cult celebrities are being courted by luxury brands Seven years ago, Chiara Ferragni was a fledgling 23-year-old fashion blogger, studying law at university in Milan. She never finished her degree, but now lives in a $3.5m Los Angeles mansion packed with antiques, and spends her days travelling the world in midriff-revealing tops, Gucci sweatshirts, cut-off jeans and a collection of Louis Vuitton. How do we know this?

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A Simple Way to Use LinkedIn Search to Connect with Potential Clients

Looking for more B2B sales leads online? There are 500 million of them sitting over on LinkedIn, which continues to add two new members at a steady rate. The secret to mastering LinkedIn for sales, however, lies in this helpful (and often ignored) feature hidden inside LinkedIn’s powerful internal search engine. LinkedIn = B2B Prospecting Power The best way to go B2B prospecting online right now is to use LinkedIn’s massive

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How Pinterest Ads Are Changing The Game

Remember learning about “half-life” in high school Biology class? A refresher: the time required for one half the atoms of a given amount of a radioactive substance to disintegrate. Let’s apply this to social media: the half life of a Tweet is approximately 15 minutes – in other words, half of all people that will see your Tweet will see it in the first 15 minutes, and the other half might see

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Instagram Adds Search Options for Stories, by Hashtag and Location

Last month, Snapchat added a new search functionality for their Stories content, so naturally, now Instagram’s adding the same, giving users the ability to search for Stories content based on location and hashtag, via their Explore section. As explained by Instagram: “You’ll see a new story ring at the top of Explore filled with stories happening near you. These stories come from people who have used location stickers on their

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Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat Continue to Make Moves into TV-Like Content

As you’ve likely noticed, every social network seems intent on becoming a TV network these days. YouTube recently announced a slate of original programming, Twitter has live-streaming deals in place with an expanding number of broadcasters and sporting codes, Snapchat’s working on episodic TV-style content to compliment their Discover material. So why the shift towards TV content? This: And this: As you can in the first image, viewership of episodic

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6 Tips to Using Social Media for Content Marketing

When it comes to digital marketing, content plays a vital role and rules all other methods of online promotions. Content marketing is the fastest growing specialty in digital marketing. Experts make use of various approaches to do it effectively. For any business, quality content provides a great way to engage effectively with customers and to get found on the search engines. Google, the search engine behemoth, prefers high quality content

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Four reasons luxury brands are embracing influencers

While the mass market appeal of social media might seem at odds with the exclusive nature of high-end fashion, many luxury brands are starting to embrace influencer marketing. In fact, it has become a core strategy for some of the world’s biggest luxury brands. The ‘New Face of Luxury’ report – published by Fashion & Beauty Monitor in association with Econsultancy – delves into this topic, exploring why luxury is

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How to Run an Instagram Contest That Attracts More Eyeballs

10 steps to tapping into the fun of social media, try gamifying your marketing strategies by running a contest on Instagram. The following excerpt is from Kim Walsh Phillips’s book Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound When it comes to social media, the number-one reason most use it is for entertainment and a momentary escape from reality. To tap into this audience behavior, try gamification

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Leveraging Micro-Moments in Your Content Campaign

Not only do you need to answer the right questions with your content, you need to ensure the content is easily digestible. When was the last time you checked your smartphone? If you’re like most people, it’s probably sitting next to you right now. Or it may even already be in your hand. Mobile use has exploded in the last few years, with more people than ever relying on their

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