5 European Brands Doing Magic With Content Marketing

Content creation is one of the most important aspects of today’s digital marketing industry. What’s changing is the way we create and deliver the content. So let’s take a look inside the European market and some of the most lucrative strategies that were adopted by brands active in this market. Let’s take note of the similarities and the differences and hopefully, we will provide a solid ground of inspirational material for companies

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It’s Time to Start Designing for the Customer Journey

Today, marketing as a mere promotional channel is not effective. Customers’ expectations are rising by the second. And everyone developed a strong sense of resistance towards promotional content. It’s getting challenging for companies to attract and keep their customers. According to Hubspot’s 2017 State of Inbound Report, generating traffic and leads is the number one challenge for marketers in 2017. Creative ads, newsletters, and a social media presence are not

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5 Major Social Media Marketing Mistakes And How To Overcome Them

Most modern businesses understand the importance of using social media to promote their brand and interact with consumers. Indeed, social media is at the core of many companies’ digital strategy, often delivering measurable results in terms of sales, leads and customer service. That said, there are many social media mistakes that we see time and time again: strategic errors that leave leads on the table and opportunities unexplored. In this

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3 Tips to Create a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn isn’t only good for building resumes and applying for jobs. It can also grow businesses, further reach, drive organic traffic and generate leads. With more than 562 million users, the world’s largest professional network has the ability to take your business to the next level. The platform continues to build on to its functionality as one of the most powerful networking tools available. Whether it’s including the ability to

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Back to Basics: Maximize your YouTube advertising

YouTube is a ‘reference engine’ and advertisers can leverage it to define their target audience. But like other social media platforms, brand suitability must be considered. Advertisers are expected to spend just shy of $30 billion on online video this year – an increase of nearly 28 percent year-over-year, according to recent research. It is a whopping number that demonstrates the rapidly growing opportunity to reach target audiences through sight,

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Marketing is in the midst of a digital revolution that’s bringing countless new technologies that all impact marketing in their own unique way. For instance, the popularity of shopping on smartphones affecting the purchasing funnel from ad to cart, and the rise of digital assistants that have made voice search SEO a new part of digital strategies. Along similar lines, smartphones are also giving rise to voice search. The point

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3 Tips for Scaling Your Startup Fast

Scaling up is intimidating — if you’re not ready for the change, it can come at you like a brick wall. Many startup founders dream of their business becoming the next big sensation that rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars. But problems can often arise when a blossoming business tries to scale up quickly. As I learned from growing my own company, scaling up can be an intimidating process,

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5 Tips To Marketing with Instagram

Instagram was initially designed to allow people to share their personal photos with friends and family. However, Instagram has also been used effectively as a marketing tool. Currently, this social media platform has close to 900 million active users, with 20 million of such accounts being handled by business organizations. But, even with this popularity and the immense marketing potential it offers, many are yet to maximize on it as

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3 Untapped Tactics to Drive Traffic to Your Content Marketing Campaigns in 2019

Have you ever considered sourcing content ideas from whatever your customers are perusing on online learning platforms? How many times have you published a great piece of content for your business, only to see it drowned out by the surrounding noise? If you didn’t know better, you might have started to feel that everybody else’s content was getting more attention than yours. This is a challenge most content marketers face. They may

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2019 Social Media Trends & Statistics

There are so many fascinating stories and innovations when it comes to social media in 2019—and by “stories” we don’t just mean the mixed media, disappearing content that is sweeping the digital landscape. 2019 social media trends – statisticsIn 2018, artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) began to take off and major catastrophes caused online hesitation—think: data breaches by Facebook, interference in American elections, and world leader dialogues on

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